Darren Milligan

Senior Digital Strategist at Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access

Associate member
Region - USA


Darren Milligan leads strategy for digital outreach at the Center for Learning and Digital Access at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. There he researches and develops services for making online museum resources accessible and useful to educators and learners, including producing experiences such as online games and interactives, managing pan-Institutional communication and marketing for teachers, and directing web platforms, including the online portal for educational resources at the Institution, SmithsonianEducation.org, and the new Smithsonian Learning Lab. Darren was formerly producer and art director of the teacher magazine, Smithsonian in Your Classroom, distributed to every primary and secondary school in the United States. Prior to the Smithsonian, he developed citizen-science programs and online mentoring communities at the Purple Martin Conservation Association. Darren holds a master’s degree in Digital Heritage from the University of Leicester and bachelor of science degrees in Ethology and Latin American Popular Cultures from Allegheny College.